Friday, October 12, 2012


I guess INCORRUPTIBLE and IMMORTAL Bodies will probably not grow fat and flabby, even if we do not get to exercise and work out.  But I think playing sports is more than just burning calories.  There is the simple fun and joy of just kicking a ball around with the gang…  There is the satisfaction of teamwork and achievement… There is the adrenalin rush of extreme sports…

I have no Scriptures to support sports in Heaven and Eternity.  I do not think there is any.  But the Bible does have a good number of sport imageries when talking about spiritual stuff.  We are to run the race (of faith) set before us patiently (Heb 12:1-2).  We are not to run without a goal, or box by beating our fists in the air (1 Cor 9:24-27).  And finally, we will all stand before the Bema Judgment Seat of Christ to receive incorruptible crowns or medals (2 Cor 5:10).

So, I am 50-50 about whether we will do sports or not in Heaven and Eternity; but I am sure some of my friends may be storming the Gates of Heaven about this.  Hmm… if we are really going to kick the ball around up there, I do have some questions for us to ponder:  Who is going to make sure the field is nice and green and grassy?!  And when our incorruptible and immortal bodies waste the balls in no time at all, who will make new ones for us?!

Finally, I am actually not qualified to talk about sports at all; because I am a confirmed and certified kaki bangku who is not really bothered with the Reds or the Blues, the NBA or the World Cup.  And at the end of the day, if there are no sports for all eternity; it will be no sweat at all for me.  Hehehe!  Let’s wait and see!!!


I started thinking quite a lot about heaven a few years ago.  I read some books and listened to some messages.  There are really not too much materials on this subject.  And because of this, perhaps many Christians may have got seriously wrong ideas about Heaven.  I think Churches should be preaching and teaching more about Heaven.

This HEAVEN & ETERNITY Series is not meant to be a theological discourse.  My hope is to provoke us to be a little bit more heavenly minded.  Indeed there are many uncertainties and controversies… which should not lead to dismay but rather excitement.  It’s like the excitement of anticipating a vacation to an exotic country we have never been before.

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