Sunday, October 20, 2013


Three prayers have I submit to Yahweh;
In Your grace and mercy,
Deny me them not as I strive to live for You:

Yahweh God, I am grateful for the privilege to be Your servant.
Remove far from me pride and fear.
Give me neither too much fruitfulness nor too much challenges...
Let me experience enough joy and enough pain in the ministry.
Lest I become conceit and arrogant,
and say, "I am good, I have made it..."
Or I become dismayed and discouraged,
and say, "I give up, I cannot..."
In all that I can do and all that I cannot do...
Let You be glorified!

Abba Father, I thank You for making me one of Your many children.
Thank You for family and friends within Your big household.
They are a valuable part of my journey with You.
My family are my friends, and more...
And, my friends are also part of my family in You...
Let me love them and support them,
Even as they too love me and support me.
There will be givings and takings...
There will be sweet and bitter...
All in all, may You be glorified!

Almighty Allah God,
Above all may You be always supreme in all my life!
In all my thoughts, in all my words, in all my deeds.
Allow me not, to bow down before any other...
Whether these be my ministry, my relationships, or myself...
Rebuke and chastise me when I sin against You.
Forgive and restore me when I repent.
Let me truly revere You, as the awesome and fearsome God.
Let me truly love You, because You have first loved me.
Without You I can do nothing.
In you I can do all things.