Saturday, October 13, 2012


Some time ago, I overhead this remark: “沒有iPad, 如何過日子?!”  Translated into English, this simply meant: “No iPad?! How am I going to pass my time?!”

The person who made this remark was not an obnoxious teenager, nor a swanky young adult.  It was a medieval lady in her late 50s!!!  Hahaha!

So… Heaven and Eternity got iPod, iPad, iPhone and internet or not?!  Frankly, I don’t know loh.  And even if Steve Job is in Heaven, I do not think he will be the person calling the shot on this one.

The real issue behind this posting is the question of technology in the hereafter.  Since the days of Adam and Eve; humankind has not ceased discovering, researching and inventing.  As a whole, we have come up with many innovations and technologies that are certainly wholesome and wonderful!  Rather than learning to live with them, it is more like we now find that we really cannot live without them!!!

Probably it will be such a waste if all the technologies we have developed thus far would just disappear like that.  When I ponder about this right here right now, I do feel the lost.  But maybe when I step into Eternity, I might just think and feel differently…

Or perhaps, the Technologies of Eternity will just blow our mind.  Consider Rev 22:5 : “Never again will night appear, and no one who lives there will ever need a lamp or the sun. The Lord God will be their light...”

I think no scientist or theologian will be able to adequately comprehend or explain how Rev 22:5 can be.  But it will be super super awesome!!!


I started thinking quite a lot about heaven a few years ago.  I read some books and listened to some messages.  There are really not too much materials on this subject.  And because of this, perhaps many Christians may have got seriously wrong ideas about Heaven.  I think Churches should be preaching and teaching more about Heaven.

This HEAVEN & ETERNITY Series is not meant to be a theological discourse.  My hope is to provoke us to be a little bit more heavenly minded.  Indeed there are many uncertainties and controversies… which should not lead to dismay but rather excitement.  It’s like the excitement of anticipating a vacation to an exotic country we have never been before.

Please note that the photographs used in series are mostly not mine.  Some are downloaded from the internet, while others are from my friends.

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