Friday, April 22, 2011

21 April 2011

The recent Scripture Union East & West Asia Regional Council Meeting (SUEWA RCM) which was held in Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia went very well.  The SU South Asia Regional Council Meeting was also held in the same venue in conjunction with the SUEWA RCM.  All in, there were some 60 delegates from more than 20 countries.

While the first delegate arrived on 2 April, the SUEWA RCM proper started on 5 April.  The SUEWA RCM ended on 8 April, and the next day SU Peninsular Malaysia celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a Ministry Exhibition, Celebration Service and Buffet Dinner.  Almost 400 people attended this Anniversary Celebration held at the Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall.

On 10 April, SU Ministry Teams ministered at Sunday Worship Services in more than 10 churches.  SU Peninsular Malaysia hosted a final farewell dinner for the delegates at the Selangor Club.

The planning and logistics for this string of events were massive.  It was very hard work.  It was also very fulfilling to see the warm fellowship amongst the delegates at the SUEWA RCM, and how the Anniversary Celebration had touched the hearts of the all present.  All praise and glory God for His guidance and protection!

Praise the Lord.
Praise God in His sanctuary,
praise Him in His mighty heavens.
Praise Him for His acts of power,
praise Him for His surpassing greatness!

PSALM 150:1-2