prayer4MYnation #2
Father God, it is so easy to go into despair when one becomes aware of the social, political, economical and spiritual climates in our nation. I cannot help but feel so discouraged and so lost. The challenges and problems Malaysia is facing as a nation seem so deep-rooted, complex and insurmountable.
Could this be the reason why some of us prefer to put our head into the ground like ostriches? We don’t want to know… We prefer not to know… We pretend that we do not know…
But, so what if I know?! There is really nothing much that I can do. And, there is a huge price to pay if I want to do something. And even so, there is no guarantee that the “something” I could do; would or could result in any meaningful or significant transformation in this beloved nation…
Lord God, I need wisdom and understanding. We need wisdom and understanding. As your Church and your people in Malaysia, we need to know Your Word, Your Will and Your Ways…
I will be so naïve to think that there are simple answers that could resolve all the issues we are facing. Watch and pray?! This is supremely important but yet this will not simply, magically or miraculously make all the problems disappear. Nonetheless, Lord by Your strength I will continue to watch with alertness and pray with understanding.
Stand up and speak out?! Surely this is something we must do as good Christians and responsible citizens. But in what manners and for what causes should I stand up??? And what should I say and how much should I speak??? And will standing up and speaking out eradicate all the problems??? I am not sure what I should do. I am not sure how I should counsel others who come to me for guidance. Lord help me! As the Bible has instructed me, Lord I want to live peaceably with all men; but yet if I perish, I perish. Lord I am willing…
Church and State should not mix?! Lord Jesus, You have taught Your disciples to give to Caesar what belong to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. We have also learned from history the effects on the Church when the Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity. Lord, so how then should we live? Lord, it is not that simple, isn’t it? Whatever it is, I remember Peter’s reply to those in authority: “We must obey God, rather than men.” Lord, help me…
Almighty God, even though we are all the same Your people, and You are the same God we are all worshipping; different Christians and different churches have developed different convictions and perspectives concerning the issues at hand. Why…?! Is there something wrong with us…?!
Lord, I really don’t know. Perhaps not… Maybe not… For such a time as this, perhaps there is room for a diversity of various responses… In such a time as this, maybe You have called us to take up different positions and to play different roles… Lord, I really cannot be sure… But in all that I decide to do (or not to do), let me be intentional and purposeful; to bring honor to Your Name, and to expedite the coming of Your Kingdom!
And so Lord, I need wisdom and understanding. We need wisdom and understanding. As your Church and your people in Malaysia, we need to know Your Word, Your Will and Your Ways… Holy Spirit please teach me and guide me… I am willing to learn. Speak Lord, I am listening… In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Jason Fong believes that the Lord is leading him to pray more meaningfully for our beloved nation Malaysia. He is sharing these prayers with the church at large through this blog and the Facebook. He hopes that this series of prayers will further catalyze more Christians to watch and pray… and to act as the Holy Spirit guides us respectively.
Please read Jason’s earlier article: LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY in this same blog. which was posted on 23 March 2011. It would be a helpful reading for us to learn how to pray with a more biblical perspective.
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this prayer may not necessarily reflect those of the Christian organization Jason works in, nor the church or denomination he belongs to.
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