Saturday, July 12, 2014

It is quite apparent that there is a close link between DISCIPLINE and DISCIPLESHIP.  The words themselves explicitly show this.

Christians are to be a disciple.  People who made decisions to believe in Jesus… to accept Him as Lord and Savior… to follow Him… are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ.  There are no exceptions!

As Jesus’ disciples, there are Christian Disciplines or Spiritual Disciplines which should be part of our lives.  These disciplines are practices that we do, firstly as expressions of our relationship with God, and secondly as exercises to strengthen our faith in Him.  Such disciplines, among others range from simple and basic things such as daily quiet time, Bible reading, prayer and church attendance; to deeper stuff such as fasting, tithing, simple living, evangelism and Christian service.

In many sense, Discipline and Discipleship are inseparable.  Hence, if we cease to practice Christian disciplines, we cease to be Christ’s disciples!


If this article has blessed you, or if you think this article will bless someone; please feel free to forward it or used it in any way that would bring glory to God.  If appropriate, please acknowledge the source when quoting this material.  Jason Fong also welcomes your thoughts and comments for mutually edifying interactions.

Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this article may not necessarily reflect those of the Christian organization Jason works in, nor the church or denomination he belongs to.

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